How is light a blessing in our lives? As I read John 1 this week, I thought about this question and how it relates to Jesus Christ, His character, and His mission. In John 1:9, the Savior is described as “the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” Here are ten examples of light that helped me better understand Jesus Christ.
1. The Sun - "Nothing is More Important"
I love the answer that pops up when you ask Google about the importance of the sun: “Nothing is more important to us on Earth than the Sun. Without the Sun's heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock. The Sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.”
I don't think it's a coincidence that the words sun and Son are homonyms. Nothing is more important to us than the Son. Without the Son's Atonement, our existence would be a hopeless mess because sin would permanently stain us and death would permanently kill us. The Son warms our hearts, stirs our consciences to do good, generates forgiveness from sin and resurrection from death, and gives us peace in a world that's in dire need of it.
The physical and mental health benefits of sunlight are tremendous. When I was struggling with depression, I would try to get as much sunlight as I could because I knew it would lift my mood. Whenever we go through dark times, we can also try to get as much of the Son's light through prayer, the scriptures, service, Priesthood blessings, uplifting music and videos, and so on.
The next kind of lights we see and use the most are the lights in our homes. You might not appreciate them much until your electricity goes out and you're left to stumble around, tripping over junk that you forgot to put away. In short, these lights help you see things clearly to be able to navigate around your home quickly and safely.
All of us are trying to navigate our "earthly home" during this mortal life. By following Jesus Christ, we can do so successfully and joyfully. He can guide us in making important life decisions, and we won't stumble as much over things that lead to sorrow. And when we do stumble, He will light the way back for us. In essence, He will do exactly what "I am a Child of God" says:
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with [God] someday.
3. Night Lights - Calming our Fears
Many children need a night light to calm their fear of the dark. About this fear, one article says, "It’s not the darkness itself that’s frightening. It’s the fear of what the darkness masks." In other words, it's the fear of the unknown.
Our lives are full of unknowns. Will I ever get married? Will I be able to find a job? How can I heal my broken marriage? Will I be able to get through this devastating trial? Because of the light of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, God can give us revelation, helping us find the answers to the questions that burn in our hearts. And even if specific answers don't come, God can give you a deep assurance that everything is going to be okay.
Also, there are things that are unknown to many people but are made clear in the gospel of Jesus Christ, like "Where did I come from?" "What is my purpose in life?" and "Where will I go after this life?"
4. Porch Lights - Inviting Us Home
When I was a teenager and would come home late in the evening, my mom would always leave the porch light on for me. Maybe it was for safety (not tripping over anything) or maybe just for convenience (not having to search long to find the right key), but there was something deeper there. It was like a warm invitation to return home, a reminder that I was loved and cared for.
Jesus Christ is our constant reminder that Heavenly Father loves us and is watching out for us. God wants us to come home to Him, and He sent Jesus Christ so that this would be possible. For anyone who has strayed from Christ's teachings, or those who have never lived them, God's "porch light" is always on, inviting all of His children to repent and return to Him.
5. Christmas Lights - Bringing Beauty and Joy
Whenever my family puts up our Christmas tree and decorate it with lights, it immediately brings a wonderful spirit into our home. (In fact, we love it so much that we don't take down our tree until late January!) There's just something about the simply beauty of bright, colorful Christmas lights that warms the soul and brings peace and joy.
Jesus Christ has brought so much joy into my life. When I study about Him and strive to apply His teachings to my life, I'm just happier—every time. I'm a more pleasant person to be around. I feel at peace, even when things around me seem to be falling apart. And the more I focus on Jesus Christ, the more beauty I see in the world around me, especially in other people and even in myself.
6. Stoplights - Keeping Order in a Chaotic World
Have you ever been in a large intersection when the stoplights are broken? It can be total chaos! These lights keep order for us, and without them there would be all sorts of accidents and problems. Some people may find it annoying to get stuck at one red light after another, but I think we'd all agree that life with stoplights is much better than life without them.
Following Jesus Christ gives our lives order in an often chaotic world. There are so many competing voices in the world. Just look through this list of "loud, persistent, persuasive, and appealing voices" that President Faust mentioned:
Besides headlights that are vital to guiding us while driving in the dark, I've always appreciated other vehicle lights like blinkers and brake lights. These help us to communicate with one another as drivers because we know other driver's intentions. They can help us avoid dangerous situations with one another.
If you're like me, your heart skips a beat every time you see flashing blue and red lights behind you as you're driving. But as unpleasant as it is to get pulled over and be issued a ticket for breaking traffic rules, this is a necessary practice to preserve the safety of society.
God has certain laws (commandments), and breaking those laws (sinning) has certain consequences. This is necessary for both the physical and spiritual safety of everyone. So even though Jesus Christ is strict in His teachings, it's ultimately for the best and keeps you safe in so many ways. And when we do sin, we can repent and be forgiven through His Atonement.
9. Flashlights - There in Times of Need
When I think of flashlights, my first two thoughts are camping and blackouts. They provide us light when no other sources of light are available, and they can be absolutely vital in emergency situations.
Whenever we don't know what to do, or when nothing else seems to be working, we can turn to the Savior for help. He can give us the light that we desperately seek. This reminds me of the hymn “Where Can I Turn for Peace”:
We don't have to wait for a spiritual or temporal emergency to seek the Savior. The sooner we reach out to Him, the sooner He can heal us, help us, and make us whole.
In theatrical productions, the spotlight is used to focus the attention of the audience on the most important things happening on stage. If it weren’t for the spotlight, we could easily get distracted by everything else going on.
Likewise, Jesus Christ and His prophets help us stay focused on what matters most in life, like our families and serving others. They also help us to avoid distractions that eat away at our time and reduce the quality of our lives, like excessive technology use.
Elder Jack N. Gerard taught the following:
"We live in a world of information overload, dominated by ever-increasing distractions that make it more and more difficult to sort through the commotion of this life and focus on things of eternal worth. Our daily lives are bombarded with attention-grabbing headlines, served up by rapidly changing technologies.
Have you ever been in a large intersection when the stoplights are broken? It can be total chaos! These lights keep order for us, and without them there would be all sorts of accidents and problems. Some people may find it annoying to get stuck at one red light after another, but I think we'd all agree that life with stoplights is much better than life without them.
Following Jesus Christ gives our lives order in an often chaotic world. There are so many competing voices in the world. Just look through this list of "loud, persistent, persuasive, and appealing voices" that President Faust mentioned:
- Murmuring voices that conjure up perceived injustices.
- Whining voices that abhor challenge and work.
- Seductive voices that offer sensual enticements.
- Soothing voices that lull us into carnal security.
- Intellectual voices that profess sophistication and superiority.
- Proud voices that rely on the arm of flesh.
- Flattering voices that puff us up with pride.
- Cynical voices that destroy hope.
- Entertaining voices that promote pleasure seeking.
- Commercial voices that tempt us to “spend money for that which is of no worth, [and our] labor for that which cannot satisfy.”
- Delirious voices that spawn the desire for a “high.”
Jesus Christ's voice, on the other hand, "inviteth and enticeth to do good continually" (Moroni 7:13). It leads us to peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. Some may not like being "limited" by God's commandments, but as the popular Primary song goes, "in this there is safety and peace."
7. Car Lights - Enhancing our Relationships
Besides headlights that are vital to guiding us while driving in the dark, I've always appreciated other vehicle lights like blinkers and brake lights. These help us to communicate with one another as drivers because we know other driver's intentions. They can help us avoid dangerous situations with one another.
I feel like the gospel of Jesus Christ has helped me tremendously in developing and maintaining relationships with others. When I think about how much God forgives me, it makes it easier to forgive others. I pray for charity to have patience with my children and to see the best in the people around me. I find inspiration in the scriptures to help me control my temper. Love is the essence of the gospel, and I want it to be the essence of my life too.
8. Siren Lights - Providing Necessary Discipline
If you're like me, your heart skips a beat every time you see flashing blue and red lights behind you as you're driving. But as unpleasant as it is to get pulled over and be issued a ticket for breaking traffic rules, this is a necessary practice to preserve the safety of society.
God has certain laws (commandments), and breaking those laws (sinning) has certain consequences. This is necessary for both the physical and spiritual safety of everyone. So even though Jesus Christ is strict in His teachings, it's ultimately for the best and keeps you safe in so many ways. And when we do sin, we can repent and be forgiven through His Atonement.
When I think of flashlights, my first two thoughts are camping and blackouts. They provide us light when no other sources of light are available, and they can be absolutely vital in emergency situations.
Whenever we don't know what to do, or when nothing else seems to be working, we can turn to the Savior for help. He can give us the light that we desperately seek. This reminds me of the hymn “Where Can I Turn for Peace”:
1. Where can I turn for peace?
Where is my solace
When other sources cease to make me whole?
When with a wounded heart, anger, or malice,
I draw myself apart, Searching my soul?
2. Where, when my aching grows,
Where, when I languish,
Where, in my need to know, where can I run?
Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish?
Who, who can understand?
He, only One.
3. He answers privately,
Reaches my reaching
In my Gethsemane, Savior and Friend.
Gentle the peace he finds for my beseeching.
Constant he is and kind,
Love without end.
We don't have to wait for a spiritual or temporal emergency to seek the Savior. The sooner we reach out to Him, the sooner He can heal us, help us, and make us whole.
10. The Spotlight - Helping Us Focus on What Matters Most
In theatrical productions, the spotlight is used to focus the attention of the audience on the most important things happening on stage. If it weren’t for the spotlight, we could easily get distracted by everything else going on.
Likewise, Jesus Christ and His prophets help us stay focused on what matters most in life, like our families and serving others. They also help us to avoid distractions that eat away at our time and reduce the quality of our lives, like excessive technology use.
Elder Jack N. Gerard taught the following:
"We live in a world of information overload, dominated by ever-increasing distractions that make it more and more difficult to sort through the commotion of this life and focus on things of eternal worth. Our daily lives are bombarded with attention-grabbing headlines, served up by rapidly changing technologies.
"Unless we take the time to reflect, we may not realize the impact of this fast-paced environment on our daily lives and the choices we make. We may find our lives consumed with bursts of information packaged in memes, videos, and glaring headlines.
How do we rise above the distractions of this world and stay fixed on the vision of eternity before us? President Dallin H. Oaks counseled, 'We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families.'
May I suggest that the best things in this life are centered on Jesus Christ and understanding the eternal truths of who He is and who we are in our relationship with Him."
Other Lights?
Which of these lights resonated the most with you and why? How has Jesus Christ been a light in your life? I'd love to hear your thoughts!