Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Life I Must Live

Another poem of mine, written on November 20, 2010.

The Life I Must Live
By Liz Montgomery

Father, tell me the story of life so sweet,
The life I must live in order to meet
Thee at Thy Heav’nly throne above
And be encircled by Thy love.

I know I sin, I know I fall,
And yet I constantly hear Thy call,
“Go thy way and sin no more.
Ask and knock, I’m at the door.”

The blood of Christ has set me free.
He is the reason I can be
Worthy of Thy love each day,
Justified at Judgment Day.

Worthy?—what is worthiness?
Do I truly deserve all of this?
The guidance, blessings, love divine,
Eternal riches can be mine.

And what must I do? Just live the way
That makes me happy anyway.
To try to pay Thee back is vain,
Yet I hope my efforts never wane.

Why are You so good to me?
What is in me Thou dost see?
What have I done to earn Thy love,
Descending on me like a dove?

Given, not earned, is the gift of grace;
This causes my soul to be abased.
Nothing I do would satisfy
Without Thy Son to sanctify.

O my Bridegroom, I am Thy wife;
Thou art my living waters and bread of life.
I submit to Thee, my loyal Shepherd,
And with Thee is my salvation secured.

Submission to the will of God,
Repentance when my soul is flawed,
Reliance on my great Redeemer,
A faithful, loving, meek demeanor,

Love my God with all my heart,
To my brethren I must impart.
This is the life that I must live
To receive the grace of God He’ll give.

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